Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Storm

These past 2 weeks have been odd to say the least. Today was the biopsy on my mother’s tumor. The current results are that it is definitely cancer, and it’s either Stage 3 or Stage 4, they won’t know until tomorrow. She goes back Thursday to work on a Chemo plan. I’m usually the one that keeps it all together, doesn’t break and is there for everyone else to lean on, but I cried more today than I have in the past year. I usually reserve that for in the car, but couldn’t contain it while in her room.

She’s already given up and lost all hope. I think she’s the only one that has. Due to the medical issues she’s had over the last 15 years, I can see why she’s ready to let go.

People often ask, “If God is real and loves us, why do bad things happen”… Everything happens for a reason and to bring Glory to Him. Sometimes catastrophes happen because that’s what it takes to get through to us. If we weren’t so prideful and full of ourselves, we wouldn’t have to wait until someone’s on their death bed to heal that broken relationship.

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