Tuesday, September 25, 2007


In our crazy, hectic, frantic lives, we're far too important to let something as trivial as a cough, sneeze or cold slow us down. Instead of stopping to rest until we get better, we fall slave to an epidemic that has swept our culture: Over the Counter Medication. Do you suffer from nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head and fever? Need the pain reliever that hospitals use most?

We're all about the quick fix. "If I'm not sneezing and coughing at work, then I must be better". That's the mindset. The actual disease isn't being fought, all we're doing is masking and suppressing the symptoms. Without proper care, that "simple little cold" could turn into something worse, life-threatening or even death. That's why we go to the Doctor, to find and treat the cause.

In our spiritual lives, we do the same. When we sin, we treat the outward manifestation
We ignore the problem and let it fester, hoping if we can just cover it up, it might go away. When we're enslaved and bound, we're quick to cover it up and hope it goes away. We don't try to find the root of the issue. Instead, we'd rather act like nothing's wrong. The whole time, the sin is burrowing its way, deeper into our hearts and souls, until one day, it's the virus that has spread through our very being.

For months, I've been feeling this way. If I can just ignore it, not act on it or keep myself too busy... Maybe it'll go away. The only place it's gone is to the kitchen to get a drink during the commercials. I'm dying inside and for the life of me, can't just say it. I'm dying inside and there's nothing NyQuil that will help me.

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