Monday, March 5, 2007

"Hello? Tech Support?"

Anyone that knows me has known me as either a drummer or an IT guy. For the last 10 years I’ve been an IT Professional, everything from PC Tech to IT Systems Admin and Network Engineer. I’ve hand built EVERY computer I’ve ever owned.

Over the last couple of weeks, our home PC has been giving us problems. One BSOD after another until finally... "Cannot find C:\Windows\Config\System". I tried Repair Console, Dirty Install and even installing to an alternate HD. Gloom and despair begin to arise. Every attempt ends in a BSOD. I broke down. I went to Best Buy. After of hour of looking, comparing and thinking, I walked out having just purchased a (GASP!!!!!) PRE-FAB SYSTEM!!!

A milestone to put it lightly. I’m just getting tired of putting money into every problem we have with our system. It’s a GREAT computer, don’t get me wrong. We’ve upgraded component after component over the last 6 years of owning in. So much so that the only original parts left were the keyboard and case. I just figure it’s time to start handing my problems over to someone else, someone with the resources to fix the issues without me trying to stay up an extra hour or two to fix it myself.

Life is like that. Not just with computers, cars or houses, but with our very souls and existence. I’ve been spending so much time thinking “I can fix this” that I’ve completely cut off the ultimate tech-support. The one person who not only CAN fix it, but WANTS to fix it. I can see God up there saying, “Just talk to me and tell me what your problems are. You’ll feel better and I can help you through them”.


Pride? Shame? Am I one of those people that can’t exist without having something to complain about? Do I strive on conflict? Am I so reliant on my sin that I won’t know what to do without it? No one wishes their computer would flake out on them. No one wants their car to die on them while on vacation with their family or their house to burn down in the middle of the night.

God, please just help me. I’m tired of it. I don’t want to be insincere. I don’t want to be hollow. I don’t want to be alone. Please, forgive me…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't resist chiming in here, as the "someone else" you handed your problems over to...haha, j/k, I have been enjoying the computer, it is a great system and am happy I was able to figure out the problem and get it going again. I've really enjoyed reading these blogs RC - really is this easy to share true feelings, huh? Maybe I'll try it sometime instead of being the shallow, cursory empty shell I always am...