Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Delictable Assortment of...

Carrots, celery, tomatoes and broccoli. Here I sit, 7:30 in the morning munching away on said veggies. It’s part of my new diet. Well, diet isn’t the right word, or thought. It’s more of my new and improved healthy food and exercise lifestyle.

This past weekend, I hauled the family to the Y and joined. Some friends of ours joined some time back. This inspired my wife, so we took the plunge.

I personally wouldn’t mind losing 30 pounds by her birthday so we can take a nice vacation, say, to the beach. Anywho… I’m also changing my eating habits, er… the foods I eat. More fruits, veggies and water. So begins Day 3.

It’s hard letting go of pizza and cheeseburgers and Mt. Dew and tea, but I know if I’m going to be healthy, I have to give up those things. I’m still having trouble letting go of some other things. I want to be a good example for my children. Those are my dreams, to see them grow and be more than I ever have been or will be. Sin destroys that. It harbors contempt, animosity and hate.

I don’t want that. I do want that. Not that directly, but the cause. I’m weak and need help, but am too afraid, or proud, to cry out and ask.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am so proud of you. I am blown away by your honesty in your post.
It is a huge deal to take this step. I know how very hard it is. Keep up the good work.